RdAR has been developed for maximising compatibility with multiple web devices, and to be used as intuitively as possible.
Even so, we are going to give some details about the procedures to interact with the graphic interfaces used for publication and visualisation of the graphic resources available in RdAR.
Nowadays, many of the accesses to a website come from a mobile devices, like tablets or smartphones. For this reason, RdAR has been designed in a responsive way to this current situation offering interfaces adapted to mobile devices.
However, we may experience certain web browsing difficulties because of the specificities of some viewers. These issues could affect to the visualisation of high-resolution images, and to the 3D viewers, in mobile devices with small size screens.
It should be considered as well that mobile devices that are not ready for an intensive graphic demand could experience difficulties with high-resolution images and 3D models.
Finally, it should be taken into account that both high resolution images and 3D model viewers present a high demand in data consumption, so it is recommended a moderate use or the connection to a wifi with a high rate of data download.
The viewer of high-resolution images appears in a pop-up window when the buttons “watch” or “compare” are clicked.
In the upper part of this pop-up window there are a row of buttons that allow the interaction with the image in the case the tactile screen navigation fails.
The available options are:
“Compare” option is available in the high-resolution image viewer. It is used to compare two of these pictures, mainly a true color imagen with a false color one. In this screen both parts are automatically synchronised, while keeping the rest of the options of the viewer available.
The Sketchfab 3D viewer have the following functionalities: