Several groups of paintings are preserved in Racó de Nando rock art site. Following González Prats' classification, Shelter II is located in the eastern side of this gully. In this area there are several groups of Levantine paintings dispersed in small panels. Most of the paintings are in reddish shades, but there is one painted in black too. Most of the figures are archers, many of them reflecting active attitudes or firing their bows. A wild boar hunting scene is preserved in one of the panels.
{"ES":"El abrigo no cuenta con un sistema de visita ni está protegido, por lo que no es accesible al público.","EN":"N/A","CA":"L'abric no compta amb un sistema de visita ni està protegit, per la qual cosa no és accessible al públic.","VA":"L'abric no compta amb un sistema de visita ni està protegit, per la qual cosa no és accessible al públic. "}
Chocomeli, 1935
740 m
6m x 4m
Calcareous. Bioclastic limestones of Upper Cretacic. Cenomanian facies.