Abric IV d'Ermites

Abric IV d'Ermites

(5000 ac - XVII dc)

The Abric IV d'Ermites is the largest of the whole assemblage and the only one preserved at ground level. Pictographs are preserved on two panels located on the right and left sides of the shelter, with examples of schematic art, non-Levantine naturalist art and black figures of historical chronology.

Visit Plan

Access to this shelter takes about 10 minutes along the trail. The starting point of the route is in the Visitor Centre of La Ermita. Only guided tours are available at the moment.

How to Arrive

From Ulldecona should take the T-331 road towards Tortosa for about 2 km to the turnoff that leads to the Ermita de la Pietat. The vehicle can be left in the parking lot. This rock art assemblage have an interpretation center from which guided tours are organized.





Graphic documentation

Panel 1, 3D model
Title:  Panel 1, 3D model
Technique:  Photogrammetry
The tracing shows the figures of ships preserved in this area. They were drawn with charcoal in historical times, between the 16th and 17th centuries
Panel 3, right sector, 3D model
Title:  Panel 3, right sector, 3D model
Technique:  Photogrammetry
The tracing shows two large charcoal figures, the upper one representing a dog and the lower one a galleon. This figure makes it possible to date its production to between the 16th and 17th centuries
Panel 3, central sector, 3D model
Title:  Panel 3, central sector, 3D model
Technique:  Photogrammetry
The tracing shows Schematic art figures, including zoomorphs, anthropomorphs and tree-like figures, which were probably made between the Neolithic and Bronze Ages. The fantastic animals in the centre of the panel stand out.
Panel 3, left sector, 3D model
Title:  Panel 3, left sector, 3D model
Technique:  Photogrammetry
The tracing shows the figures of ships preserved in this area. They were drawn with charcoal in historical times, between the 16th and 17th centuries.
Panel 1, 3D tracing
Title:  Panel 1, 3D tracing
Technique:  Photogrammetry
The tracing shows the figures of ships preserved in this area. They were drawn with charcoal in historical times, between the 16th and 17th centuries.
Panel 3, right sector, 3D tracing
Title:  Panel 3, right sector, 3D tracing
Technique:  Photogrammetry
The tracing shows two large charcoal figures, the upper one representing a dog and the lower one a galleon. This figure makes it possible to date its production to between the 16th and 17th centuries.
Panel 3, central sector, 3D Tracing
Title:  Panel 3, central sector, 3D Tracing
Technique:  Photogrammetry
The tracing shows Schematic art figures, including zoomorphs, anthropomorphs and tree-like figures, which were probably made between the Neolithic and Bronze Ages. The fantastic animals in the centre of the panel stand out.
Panel 3, left sector, 3D Tracing
Title:  Panel 3, left sector, 3D Tracing
Technique:  Photogrammetry
The tracing shows the figures of ships preserved in this area. They were drawn with charcoal in historical times, between the 16th and 17th centuries.
Gigapixel image of the left sector of panel 1
Title:  Gigapixel image of the left sector of panel 1
Technique:  Gigapixel panoramic imaging
Fotografia gigapixel del sector esquerre del panell 1 del Abric IV d'Ermites, en el qual s'observen grups de punts i ziga-zagues, acompanyant a diverses figures d'animals molt estilitzats, l'estil dels quals recorda a l'art llevantí, però probablement poden atribuir-se a època ibèrica. Fals color generat amb DStretch
Gigapixel image of the right sector of panel 1
Title:  Gigapixel image of the right sector of panel 1
Technique:  Gigapixel panoramic imaging
Gigapixel image of the left sector of panel 1 of Abric IV d'Ermites, poorly preserved, showing some animal figures, such as a possible wolf and various remains. False color based on DStretch
Gigapixel image of Panel 3
Title:  Gigapixel image of Panel 3
Technique:  Gigapixel panoramic imaging
Gigapixel image of the central sector of panel 3, where Schematic rock art paintings are preserved, including several figures with very peculiar features depicting fantastic animals. False colour produced with DStretch
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