4D VULL project has been carried out in 2015 & 2016 in several municipalities included in the Valltorta-Gassulla Cultural Park and surrounding districts, and in sierra de la Pietat (Ulldecona). This rock art assemblage were included in UNESCO's World Heritage List in 1998. This research project have been promoted by Tírig town council, with the collaboration of Amics Valltorta, and of the municipalities of Coves de Vinromà, Ares del Maestrat, Albocàsser, Benassal and Ulldecona.
The aims of this project were to diagnose the level of preservation, the monitoring of identified alterations and the proposal of measures for preventive conservation. The results are based on cutting-edge technologies and methodologies, like close-range photogrammetry, volumetric comparisons, gigapixel imagine, multispectral imaging, image processing by decorrelation stretch of color spaces, geological analyses, thermographic analyses, etc.
The other objective of the project is to disseminate Levantine (and Schematic) rock art of these districts. Many of the digital products made in this project are available in this web, on optimised sizes respect to the originals to make browsing easier.
{"ES":"El abrigo II del Racó de Nando conserva figuras levantinas de pequeño tamaño. Muchas son arqueros en actitud dinámica o formando parte en escenas de caza.","EN":"Small size Levantine figures are preserved in Shelter II of Racó de Nando. Most of them are archers show dynamic attitudes or taking part in hunting scenes.","CA":"L'abric II del Racó de Nando conserva figures llevantines de petita grandària. Moltes són arquers en actitud dinàmica o formant part en escenes de caça. ","VA":"L'abric II del Racó de Nando conserva figures llevantines de dimensió reduïda. Moltes són arquers en actitud dinàmica o formant part en escenes de caça."}