Cingle dels Tolls del Puntal

Cingle dels Tolls del Puntal

(6000 ac - 4000 ac)

This rock shelter is inside of the Valltorta gorge, close to the point where Matamoros ravine flows into it. The site is on a steep side around 20 m above the bottom of the gorge. It is very near to a toll, a natural pool full of fresh water over most of the year. The rock art is very weathered; most of the pictographs are naturally defaced by weathering, and covered by thick calcite crusts that hide them. Two panels are preserved here; in the first one a large stag head should be highlighted. In the second there are a pair of Levantine human figures, and some animals and several weathered remains.

Visit Plan

This shelter is not open to public because of its hard access and poor preservation of paintings.

How to Arrive






Graphic documentation

Landscape of Cingle dels Tolls del Puntal.
Title:  Landscape of Cingle dels Tolls del Puntal.
Technique:  Gigapixel panoramic imaging
Panoramic view of the area of Valltorta Gorge where Cingle dels Tolls del Puntal is located.
3D model of Cingle dels Tolls del Puntal, real color.
Title:  3D model of Cingle dels Tolls del Puntal, real color.
Technique:  Photogrammetry
Photogrammetric 3D model of the entire Cingle dels Tolls del Puntal.
3D model of Cingle dels Tolls del Puntal, false color.
Title:  3D model of Cingle dels Tolls del Puntal, false color.
Technique:  Photogrammetry
Photogrammetric 3D model of Cingle dels Tolls del Puntal, with texture enhanced by DStretch to improve visibility of paintings.
Left hand panel of Cingle dels Tolls del Puntal, real color.
Title:  Left hand panel of Cingle dels Tolls del Puntal, real color.
Technique:  Gigapixel panoramic imaging
Several pictographs are preserved in this panel. A large stag head facing left is specially remarkable. The antlers of this stag are close to the shape of full circle. Other remains of very weathered paintings can be seen around it.
Right hand panel of Cingle dels Tolls del Puntal, real color.
Title:  Right hand panel of Cingle dels Tolls del Puntal, real color.
Technique:  Gigapixel panoramic imaging
This panel is currently very weathered, but several Levantine style stages can be distinguished, with superimpositions between them. The oldest stages is formed by small human figures and remains of two large stags. Some large scale human figures were painted over the older ones, and they are currently the most visible.
Left hand panel of Cingle dels Tolls del Puntal, false color.
Title:  Left hand panel of Cingle dels Tolls del Puntal, false color.
Technique:  Gigapixel panoramic imaging
Gigapixel image of left hand panel of Cingle dels Tolls del Puntal, enhanced by DStretch software to improve visibility of paintings.
Right hand panel of Cingle dels Tolls del Puntal, false color.
Title:  Right hand panel of Cingle dels Tolls del Puntal, false color.
Technique:  Gigapixel panoramic imaging
Gigapixel image of right hand panel of Cingle dels Tolls del Puntal, enhanced by DStretch software to improve visibility of paintings.
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