Cingle de la Gassulla IX y X

Cingle de la Gassulla IX y X

(7000 ac - 4500 ac)

Varias de las mejores muestras de arte levantino del Parque Cultural de Valltorta-Gassulla se conservan en el conjunto del Cingle de la Gasulla, también conocido como Cingle de la Mola Remigia, que está constituido por diez abrigos. El abrigo IX es una cavidad pequeña y apenas protegida por una visera, pero en ella se concentran un elevado número de figuras, principalmente arqueros. En la parte superior del panel una falange de 5 arqueros encabezados por un personaje tocado con un gorro alto se dirigen con sus arcos en alto hacia la zona donde está teniendo lugar un enfrentamiento entre dos grupos de arqueros. Esta batalla probablemente se continuase en el abrigo VIII donde un personaje lleva en sus brazos a un arquero herido. Diversos animales complementan la escena, destacando de manera singular una cabra situada en el centro del panel.

Visit Plan

Guided tours to Cingle de la Gassulla depart from Mas de la Montalbana. The walk is 1.8 km long by a slope roughly 200 m high, that crosses by autochtonous woods of holm and gall-oaks. The full visit, including Cova Remígia site, could take around 2 hours.

How to Arrive

The assemblage of Gassulla can be visited from the Mas de la Montalbana, which is located in Km 46 of CV-15 road, close to Ares del Maestrat village.
Guided visit tours are offered that should be booked in advance calling to Museum of La Valltorta (tfno. 964 33 60 10).





Graphic documentation

Landscape from Cingle de Gassulla
Title:  Landscape from Cingle de Gassulla
Technique:  Gigapixel panoramic imaging
Panoramic view from the top of the cliff where shelters of Cingle de la Gassulla are located. Several towns like Ares del Maestrat, Culla and Font d'en Segures (Benassal) can be seen.
Landscape of Cingle de Gassulla
Title:  Landscape of Cingle de Gassulla
Technique:  Gigapixel panoramic imaging
Landscape panorama of the site where Cingle de Gassulla is located, including shelters IV, IX and X.
3D model of shelter IX y X of Cingle de la Gasulla, real color
Title:  3D model of shelter IX y X of Cingle de la Gasulla, real color
Technique:  Photogrammetry
3D photogrammetric model including shelters IX (left) and X (right) of Cingle de la Gassulla.
3D model of shelter IX y X of Cingle de la Gasulla, false color
Title:  3D model of shelter IX y X of Cingle de la Gasulla, false color
Technique:  Photogrammetry
3D photogrammetric model including shelters IX (left) and X (right) of Cingle de la Gassulla, with texture enhanced by DStretch to improve visibility of paintings.
Whole panel of Shelter X of Cingle de Gassulla, real color
Title:  Whole panel of Shelter X of Cingle de Gassulla, real color
Technique:  Gigapixel panoramic imaging
There are many Levantine style paintings in this shelter, most of them are animals (wild goats and deer) and some archers. The trails of footprints left by animals should be highlighted. Some of the animal figures exhibit a tendency towards schematism. There is a rider wearing a helmet who is riding a horse that should be painted in the Iron Age. Some color patches are the result of recent vandalic actions.
Whole panel of shelter IX of Cingle de Gassulla, real color
Title:  Whole panel of shelter IX of Cingle de Gassulla, real color
Technique:  Gigapixel panoramic imaging
Shelter IX of Cingle de Gassulla is well known for one of the most typical scenes of all the Levantine art. There is a group of five archers marching exhibiting their bows and arrows, headed by a character who is wearing a remarkably tall cap. In fact, this phalanx of archers are moving into a large war scene in which two groups of archers are fighting each other. There are as well remains of older pictographs that are underimposed to the war scene, including a large archer and a wild goat.
Whole panel of Shelter X of Cingle de Gassulla, false color
Title:  Whole panel of Shelter X of Cingle de Gassulla, false color
Technique:  Image analysis
Gigapixel image of shelter X of Cingle de Gassulla, enhanced by DStretch software to improve visibility of paintings.
Whole panel of Shelter IX of Cingle de Gassulla, false color
Title:  Whole panel of Shelter IX of Cingle de Gassulla, false color
Technique:  Image analysis
Gigapixel image of shelter IX of Cingle de Gassulla, enhanced by DStretch software to improve visibility of paintings.
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