Abric I d'Ermites

Abric I d'Ermites

(7000 ac - 6000 ac)

Abric I d'Ermites is the southernmost shelter of l'Ermita rock art assemblage. The largest number of pictographs and the best preserved are in this site. This is a small size rock shelter hanging 5 m over ground. More than 170 Levantine style figures have been recorded here. A folding ladder allows currently the access to the shelter and there visitors stands on a hanging platform.

Visit Plan

Access to this shelter takes about 10 minutes along the trail. The starting point of the route is in the Visitor Centre of La Ermita. Only guided tours are available at the moment.

How to Arrive

From Ulldecona should take the T-331 road towards Tortosa for about 2 km to the turnoff that leads to the Ermita de la Pietat. The vehicle can be left in the parking lot. This rock art assemblage have an interpretation center from which guided tours are organized.





Graphic documentation

Panoramic view from shelter I d'Ermites.
Title:  Panoramic view from shelter I d'Ermites.
Technique:  Gigapixel panoramic imaging
Panoramic view of the landscape that can be seen from shelter I d'Ermites towards the Depression of Ulldecona and the Montsià range.
Landscape where is located the rock art assemblage d'Ermites.
Title:  Landscape where is located the rock art assemblage d'Ermites.
Technique:  Gigapixel panoramic imaging
Panoramic view of the Godall range where all the shelters of the assemblage d'Ermites are located. On the right hand of the rocky outcrop can be seen the metallic structure for visitor to the shelter I. The rest of shelters are located from there towards the Pietat shrine.
3D model, whole site
Title:  3D model, whole site
Technique:  Photogrammetry
Photogrammetric 3D model of the entire Abric I d'Ermites
3D model of the main panel, false color
Title:  3D model of the main panel, false color
Technique:  Photogrammetry
3D model focused on the main panel of Abric I d'Ermites, with texture enhanced with DStretch
Main part of the panel, in real colour
Title:  Main part of the panel, in real colour
Technique:  Gigapixel panoramic imaging
Gigapixel image of the main part of the panel, where a complex deer hunting scene have preserved. A herd of deer is being hounded and shot by different groups of archers. Some of the animals and human figures are not taking part in this remarkable scene.
Main part of the panel, in false colour
Title:  Main part of the panel, in false colour
Technique:  Gigapixel panoramic imaging
Gigapixel image of the main part of the panel. It has been enhanced with DStretch software to improve visibility of paintings.
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