Several groups of paintings are preserved in Racó de Nando rock art site. Shelter IV is a small site in which rock paintings are concentrated in the upper left part of the panel, almost fitted in a natural rock block. The main figures are two weathered stags walking one after another. Their antlers are preserved but they are naturally weathered. Other color remains can be seen behind the left deer, that could originally be part of a human figure. Above the right hand deer there are a deep red area of pigment superimposed over him, but its morphology is not identifiable.
{"ES":"El abrigo no cuenta con un sistema de visita ni está protegido, por lo que no es accesible al público.","EN":"N/A","CA":"L'abric no compta amb un sistema de visita ni està protegit, per la qual cosa no és accessible al públic.","VA":"L'abric no compta amb un sistema de visita ni està protegit, per la qual cosa no és accessible al públic. "}
Chocomeli, 1935
725 m
4m x 2m
Calcareous. Bioclastic limestones of Upper Cretacic. Cenomanian facies.