Several groups of paintings are preserved in Racó de Nando rock art site. The best-known one is shelter VII, where paintings are better preserved. A group of strange animals, that have been interpreted as horses, but they look close to wild boars as well, are hounded by two running archers that are aiming their arrows and bows to them. Two tiny archers can be seen to the right hand of the bigger archer. This scene could be bigger according to the pigment remains all over the panel.
{"ES":"El abrigo no cuenta con un sistema de visita ni está protegido, por lo que no es accesible al público.","EN":"N/A","CA":"L'abric no compta amb un sistema de visita ni està protegit, per la qual cosa no és accessible al públic.","VA":"L'abric no compta amb un sistema de visita ni està protegit, per la qual cosa no és accessible al públic.
Chocomeli, 1935
730 m
3m x 2m
Calcareous. Bioclastic limestones of Upper Cretacic. Cenomanian facies.